CBD Oil For Your Dog 5 Things You Need To Know

CBD Oil For Your Dog

Misconceptions about CBD oil. How to use CBD oil.

5 Things You Need To Know

(Alternative Title:

The Ultimate Guide

To CBD Oil For

  • Dogs)

Before you decide to give your furry friend cannabis oil, it’s important to know some of the misconceptions about the product. Are there any side effects? Is it possible to get high? What about dosages? Follow along to find out.

CBD is short for cannabidiol. It’s a compound found in cannabis plants and has multiple benefits for humans; alleviates anxiety, pain, and can improve cognition. But what about dogs?

While CBD oil blew up in popularity, with numerous studies showcasing its effectiveness, there’s still some confusion when it comes to animals and how it affects them. In this list, you’ll learn the basics of CBD oil for pets and how you can use it to help your buddy!

1. It’s NOT marijuana

First of all, you should never give your dog anything that contains large amounts of THC, since it’s actually toxic for them.

CBD oil is an extract from the marijuana plant, but it doesn’t contain THC, the psychoactive compound.

So no, your dog will definitely not get high. And no, you’re not breaking the law, since CBD oil is legal in all 50 states.

What about hemp oil though? Is it the same thing?

Hemp oil is extracted from the seeds and not the whole plant. Some people argue that it’s not as effective as medical grade CBD oil. In any case, when you’re choosing an oil, it should contain between 3% and 30% CBD. Because potency is what really matters in the end.

2. What and how much should I give to my dog?

You should always consult your veterinarian before you administer any CBD oil product. He/she will make sure it’s safe to use. That said:

  • Pick up a tincture specifically formulated for dogs (preferably organic)

  • Make sure it contains no more than 1% THC (trace amounts)

  • Start small so your dog can get used to it

  • As a rule of thumb, 1 drop per 10 lbs

While an overdose is unlikely to occur - since you’ve made sure your product doesn’t contain THC - your dog may experience slugginess, lethargy, and perhaps some digestive issues at first.

You should adjust accordingly and pay attention to the potency.

Note: If you notice symptoms like inability to eat or walk properly, your dog consumed large amounts of THC and you should rush to the vet.

3. How to administer CBD oil?

There are numerous products available, so you have plenty of ways to include CBD oil in the diet.

1. You can directly drop it into your dog’s mouth or add it to food.

2. If you choose a topical cream, you must make sure it’s absorbed properly -- pay attention so they don’t lick it or roll around trying to get rid of it.

3. Of course, the easiest way is with CBD treats! In that case, be extra careful with the dosage as you can easily go overboard.

Your dog will “tell” you what works and what doesn’t. You have to experiment with different methods before you find the one that your little furry friend is comfortable with.

(Always check the manufacturer’s instructions before you do anything!)

4. Benefits of CBD oil

While there hasn’t been much research about CBD oil and animals, the anecdotal evidence suggests that dogs have a similar response to humans--perhaps even greater.

Their endocannabinoid system, which is the cannabinoid receptors across the brain, the different organs, and the central nervous system, shares the same characteristics with the human system.

Including CBD in your dog’s diet will promote well being and deal with stress.


  • Alleviates pain; arthritis, strains, and other more serious ailments.

  • Reduces anxiety. It helps the dogs calm down and control their aggressiveness.

  • Helps with digestive issues. That could be a major factor in increasing their appetite.

Finally, there are some studies that show promising results in containing seizures and epilepsy.

And given the fact that CBD can help even with tumors (in humans), it seems like an all-around miracle compound!

5. Side Effects of CBD oil

As long as you choose a quality product and pay attention to the dosage and THC content, you shouldn’t have a problem.

This is why I suggest [this], a premium CBD tincture, formulated specifically for pets.

It’s a quality product that contains zero THC so you won’t face any problems with toxicity. Plus, it has a light hemp flavor that makes it easy-to-consume, without much hassle.

Verdict: Is it worth it?

The short answer is yes. Even though it’s a new product and we’re still discovering its different uses, the current evidence is overwhelmingly positive, to say the least.

There are so many useless products, making extraordinary claims, that CBD rises above them every time. From the endless benefits to the availability, CBD oil worths a shot-- even if it’s only for one time.

Now, the long answer: It depends.

Even though it’s a great compound, not all dogs will like it or react to it the same way. In reality, you may find that your trusty companion simply can’t tolerate it. In that case, you should remove it from the diet or try different delivery methods.

(Generally speaking, putting it directly into their mouth is the most efficient way)

Also, there are still some issues with veterinarians. It’s still illegal for them to prescribe CBD (even though the CBD itself is legal) so they may be hesitant to provide any information.

Some of them are outright against it since it’s very new and they can be misinformed or ignorant of the countless success stories.

In any case, you should absolutely seek the advice of your vet before you make any decisions. Ideally, you should consult with multiple specialists, particularly if your dog suffers from a more serious ailment.

P.S- Will you try CBD Oil after-all? Comment below your experiences with it!

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