5 Signs that You Need to Give More Attention to Your Cat

5 Signs that You Need to Give More Attention to Your Cat

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Although cats exhibit attention-seeking behavior from time to time, it's most common in cats that are left alone for a long time and those that don’t find their home environment stimulating. Cats pull a lot of shenanigans to gain our attention, often perceived as naughty behavior. However, you should know that cats are only doing this not out of spite but to communicate with us. If you notice the following five signs, you need to give more attention to your cat.

  1. Excessive meowing: Did you know that felines only meow because they want to communicate with humans? Although it may be hard to believe, if you observe felines (especially ferals) that don’t know or love humans, they will never meow. All the cats stop meowing after they become independent. When your feline meows, it is totally healthy and normal behavior, unless it is excessive. If your feline desperately seeks your attention, it will obsessively meow till you are looking at it. Also, if your feline meows early in the morning or late at night, you have to give it more attention.
  2. Paws your leg or arm: One of the most obvious signs that you need to give your feline more attention is pawing. When felines paw their owner’s legs or arm, they are trying to tell the owner to look at them. However, the majority of the feline owners assume pawing is playful behavior and ignore them. When your feline paws your leg or arm, you need to give it more attention.
  3. Knocks stuff down: As felines are extremely curious animals by nature, it is quite common for them to find out how things work. As a result of this kind of experimentation, they will poke and prod all the things in your house, which can lead to items falling off the table or the cupboard. However, if you are nearby and your feline starts knocking things down, it is trying to get your attention.
  4. Undesirable scratching: Scratching is a healthy and natural behavior in felines. It helps them release any bottled-up energy, stretch and discard dead layers from their claws. Also, cats release pheromones from the glands in their feet, which they use to mark their territory. However, if your feline starts to destroy your furniture even though it has a scratching post, it is trying to get more attention from you.
  5. Jumps into off-limit areas: Has your feline started jumping in areas that are off-limits? For example, did your feline jump on to the dining table while you were having a meal Does your feline get on the kitchen counter when you are cooking food? If you feline is jumping onto places that are off-limits, it is a sign that you have to give it more attention.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I stop my cat from attention-seeking behavior?

Attention-seeking behavior in cats can be frustrating and disruptive, but with patience and consistency, it is possible to curb this behavior. Firstly, ensure that your cat's basic needs are met. Make sure they have a clean litter box, fresh water, and a balanced diet. A hungry or uncomfortable cat may seek attention to communicate their needs. Once these needs are met, focus on providing regular interactive play sessions. Engaging your cat in interactive play provides not only physical exercise but also mental stimulation, which can reduce attention-seeking behavior. Use toys that mimic natural prey and engage your cat in short, frequent play sessions throughout the day. Additionally, provide environmental enrichment for your cat by offering scratching posts, perches, and interactive toys to keep them engaged and entertained. But if your cat still decides to engage in naughty acts, ignoring it is a strong approach you can employ. They learn that their efforts are ineffective when they receive no response or attention. You must, however, maintain your ground and resist caving to their pressure. However, it might be difficult to ignore attention-seeking behavior, particularly if your cat takes extreme measures like standing on your head. In these situations, it could be beneficial to direct them toward a more socially acceptable course of action. If your cat, for instance, stands on your head, you should calmly and gently lift them off of you while directing their attention to a designated perch or scratching post.

Why is my cat attention-seeking?

There can be several reasons why your cat is exhibiting attention-seeking behavior. Firstly, cats are social beings and require interaction and attention from their owners. If your cat feels neglected or lonely, they may seek attention in an attempt to fulfill their social needs. Additionally, some cats may have a medical condition that is causing discomfort or pain, leading them to seek attention from their owners. Contact your vet to rule out any underlying health concerns if you believe your cat is in pain or discomfort. Environmental circumstances can also influence attention-seeking behavior. Your cat may look for attention as a coping mechanism if it is bored, lacking in excitement, or feeling stressed in its surroundings. By adding toys, scratching posts, and perches to the surroundings, you may prevent boredom and stimulate the mind. Last but not least, some cats may have discovered that acting in an attention-seeking manner is a successful approach to achieving what they want. However, if you have previously supported this behavior by caving into your cat's requests, they may continue to do so. 

What kind of attention do cats like?

Cats have individual preferences when it comes to the type of attention they enjoy, but there are some general forms of attention that many cats appreciate. Physical affection, such as gentle petting, scratching, and stroking, is often enjoyed by cats, particularly in areas they find pleasurable, like behind the ears or under the chin. Many cats also appreciate being brushed or groomed, as it mimics social bonding and can provide a soothing sensation. Interactive play is another form of attention that cats often enjoy. Using toys that simulate prey, such as wand toys or feather teasers, can engage a cat's natural hunting instincts and provide mental and physical stimulation. Additionally, engaging in play sessions with your cat helps strengthen the bond between you and provides a positive outlet for their energy. Some cats may also appreciate verbal attention, such as gentle talking or soft-spoken reassurance. It is important to observe your cat's body language and cues to determine what they enjoy. However, generally, many cats do enjoy one-on-one attention from their owners.

How do cats show attention?

Cats have several different ways of interacting with their owners. One typical action is rubbing against their owner's legs or against things or people. Bunting is a behavior used by cats to express love and ownership and is a type of scent marking. Cats frequently follow their owners around the house, staying nearby and watching them at work. They might vocalize by purring, trilling, or meowing, which can be used to get people's attention or show satisfaction. Cats may also show signs of comfort and trust in their owner by raising their tails, adopting a relaxed stance, and blinking slowly. 

How do I know if my cat is attention-seeking?

There are a number of indications that your cat is acting in an attention-seeking manner. One typical sign is persistent vocalization, which occurs when your cat meows excessively or loudly to get your attention. Additionally, they could brush their bodies against your legs, paw at you, or even climb up on you. It's possible that your cat may follow you around the home, always looking for your company. When you are preoccupied or not paying them direct attention, they may engage in attention-seeking behavior to get your attention. However, keep in mind that cats can also engage in disruptive actions like knocking things off of furniture or shelves in an effort to attract attention.

If your cat starts exhibiting these five signs, you need to give more attention to it. If you have any queries, please leave a comment below. 

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