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Supplements for pets are available in the same way as they are for humans. These supplements contain the essential vitamins and minerals for your pet's growth and development. Such supplements are available in most pet stores and pharmacies all over the country. But the question here is when should you give your pet supplements? Unlike humans, your pet won't be able to tell you when it is facing a problem. Hence, it is up to you to decide when to give your pet supplements. Here are some signs that will help you know if your pet needs supplements. But you are advised to take your pet to the vet in case of any significant problem.
- Physical Discomfort - You'll be able to tell when your pet is feeling down or facing physical pain. One of the signs is a persistent cough that will usually be worse during the night. Another sign is the constant changing of sleeping or sitting position. Pets suffer from heart diseases, and restlessness clearly shows that. You can also consider it a sign of physical discomfort if your pet is not interested in games and other activities. To make your pet physically active, you can use interactive toys. Try purchasing interactive cat toys or interactive dog toys for your pet and let him play with them. This will make your pets more active, allowing them to consume more supplement-rich foods.
- Excessive Grooming - Licking and grooming are normal behaviors in pets but doing them excessively is not a good sign. The area your pet is tending to most may be the pain area. You can tell this as it is an animal instinct to care for the area that hurts the most.
- Behavior Changes - Shyness and aggression are two behaviors that will tell you that your pet is undergoing behavioral change. If your pet doesn't want to sit or stand up or chase after its favorite ball, then it's time you took him to a vet. Supplements often help pets deal with lethargic feelings and grumpy moods. Behavior changes are an important indication that your pet needs supplements.
- Vitamin or Mineral Deficiency - This is something that a vet will be able to tell you better than you. Vitamin or mineral deficiencies in your pet's body lead to diseases and physical problems. Supplements work best in such cases because most products provide an additional boost of vitamins lacking in food. You can try giving dog vitamins to your pets or cat vitamins if you have a cat. You can give the vitamins in many forms, through supplements, injections, or even tablets.
- Lack of Appetite - Appetite is an important indicator that will tell you how your pet is feeling. If he is down with sickness, he will naturally lose his appetite. Canine supplements can improve appetite and help pets eat better. They are essential as they contain a healthy dose of vital nutrients, but knowing when to provide your pets with supplements is crucial. You can try giving nutritional-rich food to ensure that your pet is getting all the vital nutrition even though less appetite. You can buy Rachael Ray Nutrish dog food or Purina One cat food.
7 Useful Supplements for Pets
You may have a vitamin regimen, but did you know that pets can also benefit from multivitamins and specific supplements? Pets, especially those on homemade diets, will likely need several pet vitamin supplements. Here are 7 options that can help your pet feel their best.
1. Fatty Acids and Vitamin B
Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids in fish oil and vitamin B are great for giving your pet healthy skin and coat. Dull and flaky skin often lacks proper oils, which these pet supplements will remedy.
Fish oil for dogs and cats also acts as an anti-inflammatory, which can ease discomfort, such as arthritis pain, and some studies are even showing that fish oil can slow cancer growth!
You can buy Nordic Natural Omega 3 oil. You can add this oil on top of your pet’s food to give it the much-needed omega-3 oil. Since this oil is flavorless, it will not impact the taste of the food. You can also opt for NaturVet’s Unscented Salmon Oil for dogs as a source of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.
2. Vitamin A
Vitamin A, which is found naturally in many protein sources like liver and dairy, is essential for your pet's vision. A lack of vitamin A can lead to problems like night blindness. Since most pet foods will have enough vitamin A, and too much can lead to coat and bone issues, talk to your vet about whether your pet would benefit from added vitamin A supplement.
3. Glucosamine and Chondroitin
The supplements glucosamine and chondroitin believed to be helpful for pets suffering from arthritis, just as they can be beneficial for humans. These supplements, which come from the shells of shellfish and animal cartilage, can reduce arthritis pain in dogs and cats. Don't expect an immediate change, though -- these supplements work slowly over time to ease discomfort and slow the progress of arthritis.
To get the glucosamine and chondroitin supplements, you can use Dasuquin or Cosequin for dogs or similar supplements for your other pets.
4. Antioxidants
Antioxidants can help working dogs or very active dogs. Most multivitamins include antioxidants. Antioxidants are thought to help prevent muscle damage, so they're great for dogs under physical stress.
5. Probiotics
These supplements can help boost micro or good bacteria in your pet's digestive tract and aid digestion. Yucca Schidigera or Zinc acetate can also help decrease the odor of pet gassiness -- could be a good choice if the company is coming over!
6. Mineral Oil
Mineral oil can help with pet constipation, but give it only by mixing it with food. Simply giving the oil to your pet to swallow can cause aspiration pneumonia, a severe lung infection.
If you feel that your dog is showing symptoms of pneumonia, it is best to take it to a vet. The veterinarian will prescribe a bronchodilator, such as theophylline, for dogs. This medication can help treat several pulmonary disorders.
7. Milk Thistle Extract
This extract can be given to pets with liver diseases since it helps the liver to recover from imbalances. Be aware that the full implications of long-term use haven't been tested, so it's not for healthy dogs or cats as a preventative. If your pet develops liver problems, ask your vet if milk thistle supplements for dogs can be helpful.