Skin and Coat Care: A Pet Parent's Guide The When and the How for Choosing the Right Skin and Coat Products for Your Dogs and Cats

An overview of how to use our products for your dog or cat's best skin and coat care.

A beautiful coat of fur is not just something to take pride in. The health of your pet’s skin and coat can reflect their overall wellness too. Clear skin and a thick and shining coat reflect a healthy diet rich in necessary protein, fat and vitamins. Minimal shedding and a clean odor and appearance also indicate no bacteria or pests that can cause health problems.

Stay vigilant because skin disorders are the most common health problems that dogs and cats face. Luckily, most of them are preventable. PetCareRx is your headquarters for healthy skin & coat pet products. We have solutions for the hairiest of problems.

Flea, Tick and Heartworm Spot-On Treatments: Protecting Skin and Coat

The single most effective way to prevent skin irritation and infection in your dog or cat is to have a good routine of flea and tick medicine. As soon as the frost is over and temperatures rise, pests begin their cycle of plaguing pets. Fleas can cause itch and itch-related skin issues like mange and bacterial infections, while ticks, mites, mosquitoes and tapeworms also cause discomfort and internal health issues. A single topical medicine, applied once a month, can prevent a world of trouble. Here are some of our top sellers.

K9 Advantix II

Advantage II for Cats


View all of our spot-on flea and tick treatment options

Shampoos, Soaps and Moisturizers: A Clean, Moist Skin and Coat

The key to your pet's healthy skin and coat is keeping them clean without losing the natural oils that are essential to their healthy coat. Our selection of shampoos, soaps and oils are specially formulated to clean without drying out the skin and to add essential oils to the coat for even more protection. It isn’t recommended to bathe your cat or dog every day, but when you do make it count with these choice products.

PawGanics Foaming Shampoo

Farnam Bio Guard Shampoo for Dogs and Cats

Mink Oil Spray

Check out all of our shampoo and conditioner selections here.

Vitamins and Supplements: Nutrition for Healthier Skin and Coat

Vitamins and minerals are the building blocks of healthy skin and fur. Even with a healthy diet sometimes your pet may be falling behind on vitamin requirements due to lack of sun or other unavoidable living situations. A visit to the vet can uncover what your special friend is lacking or play it safe with one of our multi-vitamins fish oil supplements with trusted products like Derm-Tab for dogs to ensure a full supply of healthy vitamins and minerals.

Linatone Plus Skin and Coat Revitalizer

American Kennel Club RenewTrients™ Skin & Coat

Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplement

Brewer's Yeast with Garlic

Check out our full selection of vitamins and supplements

Food: The Building Blocks for Better Skin and Coat

When it comes to a beautiful and healthy coat, you are what you eat. Ensuring that your pet is getting enough high-quality protein will help them optimally regenerate their skin. The proper amount of healthy fats ensures moisture retention and soft skin and fur.

Taste of the Wild - High Prairie Canine Formula

Wellness Beef and Salmon Cat Food

Newman's Own Premium Dry Dog Food

For a customizable search of all of our food options check out our Dog Food Finder and choose the best food for your dog based on age, size and health restrictions.

Brushes, Grooming Tools and Anti-Shedding:

Pamper Your Pet's Skin and Coat. Brushing your dog or cat might not seem necessary, but how many activities are fun and relaxing for both you and your pet and result in a healthier looking coat and a fur-free home? If you want to pamper your pet or just help them keep their fur to themselves consider boning up on grooming and arm yourself with some of these products.

Safari Self-Cleaning Slicker Brush

Andis AGC Super 2-Speed Clipper

Shed Less and Feel Good Skin for Dogs

Learn more about grooming techniques and find the right product for your cat or dog

Treat Dermatitis, Hot Spots and Other Bacterial Infections:

Getting Their Skin and Coat Healthy. Bacteria is ever present in our environment and although the majority of it is harmless there are thousands of strains that can be harmful to your pet’s skin if they have an open wound or weakened defense system. Irritated, itchy or flaking skin can signal dermatitis, the most common skin ailment. Hot spots are another common and uncomfortable ailment that can be treated with oral or topical solutions. Hot Spots usually occur in warmer months because wet and dirty dogs are more susceptible to bacterial infection. Keep bad bacteria at bay with our effective and safe solutions.

Pet Aid Medicated Anti-Itch Spray

Animax Ointment

Veterinary Formula Clinical Care - Hot Spot Medicated Shampoo/Conditioner


Pyoben Shampoo

Skin and Coat Care for Pets in Winter

Does the cold winter air have you reaching for your lotion and chapstick more often? It has the same skin-drying effect on dogs and cats.Here are some quick tips on how you can make sure your pet's skin is healthy, from the inside out.

How to Treat Dog and Cat Dandruff and Flaky Skin

 - How to relieve your pet's dandruff with grooming and diet tips.

Fish Oil For Pets

 - Learn why the fatty acids in fish oil are great for skin care in pets.

A Pet Parent's Guide to Skin and Coat Care

 - Find 20 of the best products for soothing and relieving your pet's winter-bitten skin and coat.

More on Skin and Coat Care

Hot Spot

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