This has stopped the hairballs for my Ragdolll kitty. Also his already beautiful coat has become even more soft and more shiny. I am very pleased and so is Cookie.
by Cookie's Daddy on 09/22/2022
Will be going with another company can't find the cans anywhere. Animals been on it for four yrs and now it's always out of stock. Disgusting.
by chowchow2 on 02/25/2022
Our life has changed and my cat's life has changed. NO MORE HAIRBALLS! What can I say except thank you for making a product that works. We are one big happy family!
by Owner of Sugarbaby on 01/04/2022
My cat loves the taste of this food and the quality of the food appears to be good, but it is too large for him to chew. A majority of the food falls out of his mouth either in pieces or as a whole as he chews. My cat is 9 years old and has a good amount of teeth remaining (19). The photo of the shape of the food on the front of the bag is misleading. The food is actually a thick, triangle. Previously, my cat was eating Hills Perfect Weight. The size/shape of that food is perfect.
by Roswell on 05/27/2021
I'm so happy that you changed the shape and size of the kernels. I stopped buying this formula because my older cats (7 & up) had trouble chewing those excessively large kernels.
by ChanChan75 on 04/13/2019
The product is great for hairball control in YOUNGER cats! However, the kernels are huge! I thought the company changed the kernel size (picture on bag). The large kernels are harder for my older cat to chew!
by ChanChan75 on 04/13/2019
This product truly is amazing. My cat loves the taste and it greatly reduced the number of hairballs. I've even noticed a difference in her coat. Its softer and has a beautiful shine. She 10 and looks half her age. I could not be happier with this product.
by Nikki11287 on 08/04/2017
Our three cats thrive on Hills Science Diet. I would't feed them anything else. Thank you for caring so much about our cats.
by Pauline C on 03/11/2017
It's a shame you changed the formula in the last year or so. I've been using Science Diet faithfully for many years. But recently, you caved in to the "high protein" trend and changed your formula. Now, my cat is constipated from your food (a normal thing when you have a diet too rich in protein). Know what happens when a cat gets constipated? They spray diarrhea out their backside around the constipated obstruction. The vet confirmed this. So after an expensive vet bill and a thorough cleanup of the entire bathroom, I've switched brands.
by rshanks66 on 08/27/2016
This is the only cat food I buy for our 2 cats. They are indoor cats and can get quite a few hairballs. In my many trials I found this brand of food works the best for our cats.It does reduce the amount of hairballs they get.The cats are going to be 16 years old at the end of the year.
by SDcatlady on 07/09/2016
When I adopted Buttercup as a wee kitten, she had a diarrhea issue. The vet said it may or may not go away ... which it did not. I realized it turned into a painful, bloody, explosive ordeal every time she went potty. It was all over her little butt. She did not like to play alot because I realized it was that painful for her. Multiple vet trips and even more diet changes and powders were no good. Then I bought Hills Science Diet Adult Hairball last year. Buttercup is a different cat!! She plays, she zooms around, she is HAPPY and she has no more potty issues. THANK YOU SO MUCH FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART.
by Buttercups Mom on 05/02/2016
Since changing to Science Diet Hairball control formula for mature cats 7+, the health of my cats has been remarkable. I have two domestic long hair cats that always had hair ball issues. Since being on the food for only two months I do not find hair balls around the house anymore. The other great thing about the food is that their fur is not matted which is a definite added bonus. Great product.
by Beaumike on 10/30/2015
Kyle has a hairball problem since age of 3, cough up hairballs results in shampooing carpets once a year along with getting annual haircut, food (day and wet) helps control the problem for about 7 months, haircut is needed when Kyle's fur gets too long.
by abok on 10/05/2015
The Hairball Control for 7+ has worked pretty well for us. Our cat had been throwing up more than times a week than I was comfortable with. Since she has been on Science Diet, the number of hairballs has been reduced significantly.
by Mommo on 10/02/2015
I have been using this food since I adopted my kitten over 7 years ago. He is healthy, happy and very playful. He has very long hair and I highly recommend hair ball control. It really does help control hairballs. And the balance diet keeps him healthy.
by Rose54 on 09/27/2015
I have fed the Hairball food, exclusively, to my cats for several years. The food nutrition is great, but I notice that none of the cats can eat an entire piece of the dry food. They are in a pyramid shape and once the cat bites into it, they only get part of it and the rest crumbles. This is very wasteful and, ultimately, more expensive for me. Every day I have to clean out the little chips left in their bowls. I suggest that Hill's should redesign this food for maximum consumption and stop the waste.
by Jacque on 09/16/2015
My cat is 15 years old and has always been a Science Diet user. She gets nothing else as she doesn't really like treats. We're very happy with this food however I wish the kibbles were not such a yellow color and more of a neutral color for those few times when she vomits on the carpet.
by Kammy on 09/07/2015
My oldest cat has been eating your product for 12 years. He almost died from a blockage from hairballs when he was three. Your product has kept him healthy along with my other 4 younger cats.
by jhirunr on 09/06/2015
My DMH tortie is prone to hairballs and I have tried to find a food that actually helps without having to give Laxatone which she hates. I have seen a tremendous difference in the amount of hairballs she is having and she loves the taste!
by mmgracie08 on 05/19/2015
After many years of being a cat lover and owner I have never seen my cat so happy and playful as he is now and i'm certain it's due to putting him on the Hill's Science Diet food. No more supermarket cat food, not even the so called company's that claim that their food is superior to others. When you can noticeably see your cat going back in age as in his playful and healthy actions it's a blessing. There is a major difference, my cat doesn't just eat because he is has to he looks forward to the taste of Hill's food that he just loves and I know this because he shows it in his actions and new kitten like playfulness at the age of 8. I would recommend this to everyone and just wish that I had new about their products sooner.
by Wayne61 on 12/30/2014
This is a great value and controls hairballs and gives my cats a nice coat.
by kittykat43 on 12/09/2014
Rosie our indoor cat loves Science diet, it controls her hairball problem and the Science Diet treats are awesome! She is healthy and Science Diet products are worth everything to keep your pet healthy and having a good life!
by Twilightgirl on 09/25/2014
Especially during Spring and Fall my cats seem to spit up a lot of hairballs, which can get very messy and depending on the type of food purchased, very colorful on the carpet. Since using Hills Science Diet Mature Hairball Control my cats produce hardly any hairballs, they also love the taste. My cats are really picky eaters, who often refuse the food they love seemingly on a whim. That has not happen with any of the Hills Science Diet Products. Thank you Hill's for making such great products my cats love.
by Flummie62 on 09/23/2014
May cost more than some dry cat foods, but worth the price.
by Trixie on 09/08/2014
All my senior cats love this food, even the picky ones. My long-hair cat has not had problems with hairballs.
by SeniorCatFosterPerson on 09/04/2014
I have been feeding a mix of Hairball Dry with Oral Dry (60/40) for over 5 years now. It helps eliminate hairballs and dental problems. Both cats love the taste and come find me when the bowl is empty.
by gchutton on 08/04/2014
I have 3 cats that range in age. I had been feeding them store bought cat food. They spit up hair balls a lot and seemed to be losing weight. I wanted to feed them a better quality food and this is what I chose. The first day I filled the bowl all 3 came running over and inhaled it!!! They haven't been on it too long but I have noticed less hairballs and their weight is coming back to normal. Thanks Hills!!
by ericajane on 07/21/2014
This food has helped my cat have fewer hairballs, meaning less distress for him and me (cleaning them up!). He loves it when we open a new bag (when it's the freshest).
by Linda1962 on 07/07/2014
I was feeding him indoor mature cat , which he liked. However I have trouble finding it in my area. So since he is Maine Coon and has long hair, and lots of hairballs, I tried this formula. He does like it, and I am hoping it will help with the hair balls. He is also overweight, but didn't really like the Lite formula, and I found out that the indoor, mature cat had less calories. So I recommend either the indoor mature cat formula, or the mature adult hair ball control. I have fed him nothing but Science Diet since I adopted him from my vet, and have always been pleased with any of the formulas I have tried.!l
by radairspike on 06/27/2014
Science Diet is consisently high quality, good for our cat's sensitive stomach, and has varieties that work for our cat's different stages of life. In the past ten years, we have moved from Kitten to Regular to Lite to Mature Hairball Control, and they have all worked as promised. The few times we have tried to switch to other foods have been total failures, and we always come back to Science Diet.
by LibbyO on 06/11/2014
I was very disappointed with the Science Diet Hairball Control food. I tried wet and dry both for a little over 30 days and she continues to vomit a few times a week. My cat liked the food but she's not a finicky eater. Sheeba
by Sheeba on 05/18/2014
Our cat is in great shape second your product is available in North America which is cinvinient for people traveling
by Mikelev on 05/16/2014
The Hills Science Diet for hair balls, older cats is a perfect fit my Ms. Minnie. She eats well and as she feels a need to eat. I do not have to worry about feeding her at a speicific time either. Ms. Minnie is a big water drinker too. As she is getting older I had to find a food that would agree with sensitive body needs of an older cat.
by Oceancity2014 on 05/02/2014
My cat is a rescue long hair cat! She is an indoor cat and is very finicky! I want to give her and feed her only the very best. She doesn't like to eat wet food and the only food that she loves to eat is Science Diet Hairball Control Dry Cat food. Her fur coat is very soft and shiny. My cat does not suffer any health issues. She is very healthy. I have been feeding her the Science Diet Dry Cat Food Hairball Control for many years and I see the difference in her.
by Ivette12 on 04/28/2014
This product is great for adults cats & helps eliminate hairballs! I have 5 cats and they all love Science Diet products. GN
by fluffy1295 on 04/26/2014
my cats have less hairball issues on this food and like it !
by Misty3691 on 04/24/2014
Granted my Mimi is food motivated but she really likes this! I just met a Rep in a store and she convinced me that the food I was feeding my cat was far from "good." She explained the benefits and researched that comes with Science Diet and it just made sense to switch. The transition has been very easy. I am blending this with her old food but she is only eating the new pieces. I also give her the Ideal Balance wet food in the morning and she goes crazy. I would prefer her on an Ideal Balance dry food but that does not come in a Mature Hairball formula. This is the next best thing. I feel better knowing this is ALOT better than what I was feeding her. Mimi is my baby so it is worth spending a couple extra bucks on doing anything I can to keep her around as long as possible. This is slightly more expensive than what I was buying but far outweighs the benefits!
by phxlex30 on 04/02/2014
My cats really eat this well. No more digestive issues.
by Skits on 03/13/2014
My 9 year old cat was very prone to hairballs. Yet once we started her on this hairball controlling diet, they disappeared! I'm happy she's happy and there's no more stinky hair balls!
by ipreferkittens on 02/27/2014
my cat is really picky and when i switch him over i cant keep enough in his dish ..he wants more great product ..
by oceansunset70 on 02/20/2014
I have 3 mature cats, all over the age of 10. They all love the taste of this food, and eat it heartily.Thankfully it prevents their suffering from hairballs.Thank you Science Diet for providing help for every condition, especially for our more mature cats.
by kimber4 on 02/19/2014
My cats love Hill's Science Diet Mature Adult Hairball Control!
by lnphil0 on 02/04/2014
Our domestic longhair has had some hairball issues in the past and even surgery. Since going to the hairball formula and using a hairball supplement we have noticed a significant drop in hairball problems!
by miker163 on 01/21/2014
As my cat has gotten older, she has started to get hairballs. I tried several dry foods for hairball control, but none seemed to work very well. I then tried Hills Science Diet Mature Adult Hairball Control, and it works wonderfully! She loves the taste, and I like how the food was developed for the mature cat. She will be 11 soon, and looks great! Thanks, Hills!
by BarbaraG on 01/17/2014
This product seems to help my cat have less hairballs and I like that it is formulated for his age.
by Kpagelvt on 01/03/2014
I changed formulas for my indoor cat just recently. she never had a hairball problem before. now it appears she does.. so I purchased the hairball remedy formula and... poof... back to normal. as usual,your food does as it promises to do. thanks so much.
by doreen on 12/31/2013
Figaro is now nine years old and Science Diet has always been the only food he'll eat willingly. If I bring home another brand the food will sit in his bowl until he's starving. I have tried several more expense brands that he ate and he got sick on every one. He's my baby so I want to give him the best. I read the ingredients on the products I buy and do my research and Science Diet Hairball is what's best for him. It's a brand that is easy to find and if they don't have my exact food in stock, I just get the adult or the indoor and he does fine.
by Maria13 on 12/27/2013
This product seems to be very palatable and average on cost.
by Angel2002 on 12/23/2013
My cat "Bandit' is getting older and has started to groom more often, thus hairballs! Started giving the Hairball control and not only did the hairball control get better, he is not doing as much grooming.
by wiggles123 on 12/19/2013
I have a very healthy cat. He will only eat science diet. Has very long hair and almost never gets a hair ball. Has healthy coat, teeth and skin. And he loves his Science Diet food.
by RoseE on 11/24/2013
I have a long haired pure bred cat that has loved this Hairball control diet. It really does help with episodes in the fall and spring when they clean themselves more. This has been the only food that has helped us and we have tried them all!!
by jenn71 on 10/25/2013
Hills was recommended by my vet more than 30 years ago. He said that was the safest for my neutered and spayed cats. I have never given them anything but Hill's since then. I have had cats that were healthy and long-lived, So I will not take a chance on any kind of other cat food.
by Dotty on 10/21/2013
I have a 9 yr old cat. We switched her to this food about a year ago. No weight issues and she is a grazer.
by HollyCatMom on 10/03/2013
I have had several cats through the years and currently have one that is 18 years and two months old. All have lived to an old age for a cat. Hairballs have never been a problem with any of them unlike my previous dry food I was feeding. I use Science Diet for all my pets.
by grey1020 on 09/26/2013
My cat has loved this dry food for years. What I am enjoying now is the improved closure. Instead of the ziplock-like closure that so many are using, you have come up with a velcro-like closure that is perfect! No more open bags. It is the little things. Thanks!
by hildee on 09/25/2013
I love this food. It controls the disgusting hairball issue while giving my babies the nutrients they need in a healthy a diet.
by koolheather on 09/09/2013
They love it - I keep a big bowl full of different types of Science Diet dry food - Oral diet, hairball diet, sensitive stomach - anything that is made for Mature Cats. Never had anything they didn't like.
by Klystron on 09/08/2013
We have a clowder of six cats, so hairballs are a common occurrence in our house. Some cats have more of a problem than others, so they all get SD Hairball Control. They all love it....they go through a large bowl each day. I won't say there are no more hairballs, but it certainly seems to help. And the cats are all healthy, shiny, and happy!
by katscott52 on 08/19/2013
After a blood analysis at an emergency vet, I was told that my cat is not just healthy, but VERY healthy. I accredite this to the fact that he has been eating Science Diet for many years. In addition, the hair ball control really works. Thank you Hills!
by Stewart09 on 07/05/2013
I had switched my cat to science diet and noticed a huge difference in her fur. The science diet makes it shiney and silky soft. The hairball control really helps. I deffentily recommend science diet. My cat loves the taste as well
by Maggie610 on 06/29/2013
As my cat is aging, he started getting hairballs. I was able to get a free sample bag of Hills Science Diet for hairball control so I figured I would try it. About 3 weeks after diet was fully changed over to the new food, the hairballs have stopped! He has been eating this for about 4 months now. We do have an occasional hairball, but nothing like before.
by 29fanjoan on 05/21/2013
My cat def needed some control for his hair balls since he never seems to get rid of them himself.
by Russzmom on 08/26/2012
Your cat will have a healthy diet with balanced nutrition that they will eat.
by Dogmother on 08/23/2012
We feed our cats this after a worsening problem with hairballs. It has made a big difference. We rarely have problems with them having hairballs these days. I'm so glad we found this food. Another plus is that our picky cat loves this food! She's a hard cat to shop for.
by Tasha77 on 07/21/2012
I adopted my 13 year old cat Cleo from the pet store where I used to work when she was about a year old. She is an awesome self groomer and DETESTS being bathed. Needless to say then, she has hairball issues! Working in the pet store I have tried every cat food we carry over the years searching for a food that helps her pass the hairballs and we ALWAYS came back to Science Diet. Her coat just shines and her skin has never had an issue. This is a great food with a taste she loves and never tires of. I supplement the dry food with different flavors of Science Diet wet foods to make sure she gets enough water in her diet. Science Diet is a great company and they have a great cat food!
by Katie76 on 07/18/2012
Our old tabby cat had an awful time with hairballs and throwing up daily. The vet said she was just prone to throwing up - nothing was wrong. We switched to Science Diet after trying just about everything else and not only does she love it, there's rarely any trouble with her keeping it down! We're thrilled that she's happy with the taste and no more mess to clean up!
by Jen2012 on 07/13/2012
My two cats are 9 and 10 years old now. They both have been prone to hairballs, especially the long-haired one. Since feeding this product, they are not having problems. They also love the taste!
by Snowbirdy on 06/15/2012
Excellent product and quality. My cat loves the product.
by 68tazman on 06/02/2012
My cat OC was always throwing up after eating. Now he eats his Science Diet Hairball for Senior cats and does not leave me presents on the carpet as before when I used a different brand of cat food. Thanks Science Diet for making my cat healthier and my life easier.
by gentergmw on 05/31/2012
I fed the Hairball Control food to my cat for many years and never had hairball issues. Then my cat was diagnosed with bladder stones and I had to put him on a prescription food. I tried using various hairball remedies and none of them worked as well as your food. Plus they were messy and he didn't like taking them. This food is a great, it WORKS, and according to my cat it tasted great too!
by TMom on 05/23/2012
I have a 15 lb. Main Coon with a beautiful grey stripped coat. I mix the Hairball Control with the Adult food and he digs right in. I noticed the difference in the amount of times he "gets rid" of the hairballs so it's made a difference. He's eaten this food from when he came home from the shelter and he tries to "bury" any other food that I've tried. Both of us are very happy with our choice.
by rascalsmom on 05/22/2012
This product is really great. I have noticed a reduction in my cats hairball issue.
by cheche on 05/21/2012
Science Diet's dry cat food, hairball remedy, is definitely the only cat food I buy for my pet and for my dad's cat. It totally works for any hairball problems and our cats love it. My dad lives in an assisted living with his cat and we buy this brand and take it to him and the staff feed his cat.
by TeamErnie on 05/20/2012
my cats really like this product; in fact, i sometimes even use it as treats in between meals.
by jo21 on 05/19/2012
This food is great, it's the only one we've been able to find that keeps my carpets clear of hairballs. The other advantage is the size of the pieces - the larger size prevents my younger cat from inhaling the food and then getting sick minutes later.
by gogirl on 05/19/2012
My 8 year old cat, Benji, loves to eat. His 20+ lbs. proves it. He had a really hard time chewing the small round pieces in one of your other foods. He would swallow them whole and throw them up later (sometimes). I switched to the Mature Adult Hairball Control and the bigger pieces are perfect. He has no trouble chewing his food now....much to my relief. Now if I could just keep him out of the kitten food!
by Becca39 on 05/18/2012
My cats are 10 yrs. old and have been on the Hairball Control light for most of their lives. Although it is expensive, (I'm retired & on a fixed income), I know that it helps them to NOT have a hairball problem. The product is 5 stars, but I gave it 4 because of the cost factor.
by Littlewhitegirlsmom on 05/17/2012
My cats love it and I love the no hairballs! I am a vet tech and recomend for senior pets- great quality
by jamietech on 05/17/2012
My cat, Charlie loves the taste of this cat food. Before using this food, he would throw up furballs all the time. Now it is rare, and I am very happy! The price of the food is OK when it is on sale.
by Marigal on 05/17/2012
My cat has eaten dry & wet Science Diet products from the time I adopted him (8 weeks) to his current age of 12 years. He currently is eating Mature Cat Hairball Dry & Hairball canned. He stills asks to be fed & never turns his nose up at Science Diet. His coat is glossy, he is still very spry and was never overweight. Many of my guests asks if he is a kitten because of how fit he looks and acts. thank you Science Diet.
by Lore on 05/17/2012
My cats coats look and feel silky and they have so few issues with hairballs when fed Science Diet Mature Adult Hairball Control. They seem happier and healthier overall and that makes for a happy family!
by chica on 05/17/2012
Helps keep the hairballs under control. They really like the way it taste,(the bowl is alway empty)
by katlady on 05/17/2012
I mix this in with my cats over weight food and they seem to like it. It seems to keep hairball messes down. I tell most of our clients especially ones that have long hair cats about this product
by barbara18 on 05/17/2012
With five cats I was constantly cleaning up hairballs after work. My vet recommended the Hairball Control food about four years ago and since being on this product harirballs are virtually a thing of the past. This food works within about 30 days and the cats love the great taste! I have recommended this food to my friends and they have also had great results. Kudos to Science Diet for another great food!
by Mary62 on 05/17/2012
The cat seems to like it and I've always bought him Science Diet dry food. It does lessen his vomiting of hairballs and food with hairballs, but not 100%, I say about 90%, that's why I did give it a full top rating. I think it is very expensive though.
by Charlie1224 on 05/17/2012
As my cat aged, she had more "stomach upsets" from regular cat food. I told my Vet I wished there was a Science Diet Senior Cat Hairball Control Food, and she said there was,so I gradually changed Ellie's food and there has been no looking back! Ellie loves the food, and the incidences of finding unwelcome "surprises" on the rug went from almost daily to maybe once every other month. I'm very happy for her, and for us. Ellie is really a very healthy 13 year old, and now has been on this food for a year-should have done it sooner!
by Jill on 05/17/2012
It makes my cats healthy and their coat so shiny.And I love that it helps to keep their hairballs under control. They also love the taste, it seems like they can never get enough.
by Jetz45 on 05/17/2012
My cat is 11 and I have been feeding her Science Diet from the age of one, when he started having trouble with Hairballs I started him on hair ball control,it works great would not give hre anything else,great products.
by mellow322 on 05/16/2012
I had purchased many other cheaper hairball control products in the past hoping to save some money. Well, after cleaning up vomit on a daily basis, I decided to spend the extra money and buy the Science Diet. My long haired cat went from daily vomiting, to never vomiting! She also eats very well and enjoys her food. Well worth the extra cost!!!
by Marla on 05/16/2012
Hairballs were a huge problem with one of my cats. Luckily, she loves this product and it has solved the hairball problem. We're both happier!
by PhyllieD on 05/16/2012
I've been using this product for my two adult cats for the last 3 months and it seems to be helping with their hairball issues. They seem to be having less episodes of hairballs, thus my carpet is staying clean!
by Mercedes on 05/16/2012
This is a great product, I'd recommend it to others
by wolfie on 05/16/2012
I use this product for my 5 cats. They have wonderful coat luster and feel. I don't have any issues with hairballs being discover in the hall in the middle of the night (we all have been there) because of the usage of this product. I highly recommend this product no matter the length of the fur. This product has made my cats happy and I love it when they are happy.
by TanyapetCVT on 05/16/2012
Luna ( my long haired Himalayan) was delighted to see her old familiar cat food again...her tummy is less upset and she's resting more comfortably...
by prower on 05/16/2012
My cat has loved the three different styles of Science Diet I have tried. I've used the Hairball Control formula mostly but it has never worked to solve hairball problems. But he likes it so I'll get it for him and continue to clean up hairballs... until I find an option that will actually work.
by KennyFlys on 05/16/2012
we actually use the hairball light as my diva also has weight issues...but when she is eating science diet consistantly she has fewer hairballs and maintains a steady weight. other products were not as successful!
by scottish on 05/16/2012
Started using Science Diet when our cat was 3 years old...she started having a problem with hairballs. Our veterinary doc suggested Science Diet, and we tried it. Our cat loves it, and so do we. She is now over 7 years old, and it worked wonderfully on the hairball problem. Also made her coat look wonderful; she is a tabby cat and the gray and white contrast started looking more brilliant. Won't use anything else.
by TPiet on 05/16/2012
I have tried other "vet recommended" brands that are more readily available (at the grocery store or discount store), but my cat prefers Science Diet. I suppose she has good taste!
by DilbertFan on 05/16/2012
My cat begs for more of this food. She does have decreased hair ball problems when she eats it.
by Niceppst on 05/16/2012
Zack, our Maine Coon, has been a Science Diet cat since he was a kitten. At the ripe old age of 15.5 years, he loves the Mature Hairball formula & has for years. I recently tried the Senior formula & surprisingly he didn't care for it & "demanded" I go back to his favorite. I think he likes the large kibble, it seems to help keep his teeth clean & it certainly helps with the hairballs.
by Swansailor on 05/16/2012
This is the best cat food that I have ever used. The cats stay healthy, they love the taste and the benefits on their coats are remarkable! I have 5 beautiful cats and they vote YES!
by Lollyde on 05/16/2012
I have been purchasing this product for the cat I care for at my office for a very long time. Our office cat is very finicky but not when we feed her Science Diet Mature Adult Hairball Control. This is the only food that she hasn't ever gotten sick of eating and that she appears to really enjoy.
by HWCJO on 05/16/2012
My cats are picky eaters and frequently have problems with hairballs. This cat food has reduced the amount of hairballs being thrown up and has saved me alot of time cleaning up after them. They enjoy the taste of the food and we are all happier because of this product
by Heeder on 05/16/2012
this food has helped our cat with his hairball problem so much,he used to throw up hairballs all the time,until we tried this food,now he and us are much happier.thanks science diet
by wjudy123 on 05/16/2012
After years of trying different hairball remedies, I decided to give Science Diet Mature Adult Hairball Control for my 14 year old long-haired kitty. Since he's pretty finicky I was worried that he might not like the new food but he LOVES it. I also feed him the mature adult wet food twice daily and the combination of food has reduced his hairballs AND seems to given him more energy. He's acting like he's a kitten again! It's wonderful!
by Cardycat on 05/16/2012
This dry food has been wonderful for our older cat. she is 12 years old, and has frequently had hairball problems. We switched her to the light hairball control kibble, and she LOVES it! She's always excited when it's time to eat, which is great... and her weight has stayed down... and best of all, she has not had 1 hairball since starting on this food! She was getting them at least once a week before! Highly recommended!!
by mary10 on 05/16/2012
This is the only product that I have fed my 7 year old cat that she doesn't continue to throw up hair balls. Also this product keeps her regular and she "goes" on schedule.
by WesasMom on 05/16/2012
We have four cats: a long hair, a short hair that sheds like crazy, one who eats his fur off and an ornery senior who loves to be clean. Hairballs come with the territory. The long hair had no issues. the one who sheds like crazy and the old, ornery one had some wonderful but interesting issues as they could not "digest" their furballs the way one would expect. The cats loved the food, I am sure it did their internal systems good and we were pleased with the results! Okay, it was a bit messy there for a bit but hings calmed down. And, yes, we do brush them every week!
by 4felines on 05/16/2012
Without the above my cats have a difficult time with hairballs and I find I use a lot of paper towels and Windex(I have tile floors). With it I still use the cleaning products but now for the use they were windows! Thanks.
by 1glasscanvas on 05/16/2012
Since using Hill's Science Diet Hairball dry food, my cats have stopped up-chucking, & they love the taste. When we return from shopping, they know what we're bringing home, & they almost attack as we come in the door with the bag. It's the first item we have to open in order to get them to settle down. It is a fantastic product.
by Tortie on 05/16/2012